Doug Hood Mining teams up for Sumner Road reopening project
October 27, 2016
Doug Hood Mining Ltd was part of the team selected by Christchurch City Council to reopen the Sumner to Lyttleton Road near Christchurch.
Badly affected by the 2010 and 2011 earthquakes this important link between Christchurch City and Lyttleton Port has remained closed ever since.
Doug Hood Mining will work with McConnell Dowell, Beca, Geovert, along with several subcontractors, to design and complete geohazard risk mitigation works to facilitate opening the road. Works include a specifically engineered 15m wide and 400m long catch-bench in rock below the bluffs and two substantial bunds.
This $12.21M project is jointly funded by NZ Transport Agency and Christchurch City Council and is expected to be completed in early 2018.
Management and technical roles will be sourced from within the companies with other roles including operators drawn from the local workforce if possible.
CCC/NZTA media bulletin
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